When It's Raining Outside

Generally I am an antsy person. I like to be out of the house and feeling like I am doing something with my day. I like to get out, go on walks, ride my bike, go shopping, hang out with friends and more. It is amazing how much that changes when it is constantly raining outside and I have to wait for the bus in the rain if I want to go anywhere. All the sudden, I only will leave if it is extremely necessary. I find so many more things to do around the house...even the cleaning that I usually try to avoid. When I look outside and it is raining buckets, suddenly going for walks and anything that involves being outdoors isn't as appealing. Obviously, if I stayed inside every day, I would go insane. And there are those necessary things that do get me out of the house on most days. But I must say, today my house is looking very clean and all the laundry is done!

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