^^ I love the picture on the left. It is so my kids. Connor, the comedian. Isla, always entertained by her older brother. And Callum, the newbie wondering "What have I gotten myself into?!"
^^ In their pjs and ready to go look at lights
Christmas eve was a pretty chill day for us and I really like it like that. We started that last year. Realizing that overtired kids going into a long day like Christmas just isn't fun for anyone, we decided to make Christmas eve a relaxing, fun evening for our own little family.
It started with church with both of our families. I meant to make dinner for us ahead of time, but never got around to it, so we picked up In-n-Out on our way home from church. Then we put the kids in their pjs and drove about 20 minutes to a place where you can drive through a light show. We went there last year as well. Isla slept through the whole thing last year. This year, both Connor and Isla were awake and crawled up on our laps for the drive through the lights…and Callum slept peacefully in his car seat. Then we headed home and got the kids to bed.
I would like to note that I dressed the kids all festive for church and took pictures of them (as seen above). Then Isla decided to modify her outfit…
Ian didn't want to let her do it, but I didn't think it was worth the fight. Under the Elsa sweatshirt is a purple cat tank top. The outfit is pretty classy, if you ask me ;)
And that was our Christmas eve…no fuss, no frills, just right.

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