I honestly had no intentions in doing any sort of resolution this year. I've never really bought in to the whole new year, new you thing. I'm too much of a realist for that. I don't make lofty goals I can't achieve. That's also probably why I do like a word for the year. It's simple and attainable. It's more of a focus and less a strict set of goals that must be met. But I decided this wasn't the year for it. I'm not saying I don't have anything I should be working on, or growing toward, I just wasn't feeling the need or want for a direction (if one can even call picking a word for the year direction) for 2018.
But the last several days, actually even weeks, something kept popping in my mine. Two words actually - choose joy. As I've been mulling over these words, I keep being drawn back to how much of life is about choices. Choices in how we spend our money and time. Choices in if we want to see the glass as half empty or full. Choices if we want to eat healthy or indulge. So many choices.
It's easy to believe that life is out of our control, but that is simply not true. Sure, there are things out of our control. We can't control other people's actions. We can't control if our car breaks down or if our shower starts leaking. But we can choose how we respond. We can choose our attitude in spite of these things.
In all the choices that come my way this year, I want to choose what's right for that moment and choose well. I want to choose more time with my family and reconnecting with friends. I want to choose slow over fast and open time over full schedules. I want to choose to eat healthy most of the time, but to indulge without guilt. I want to choose joy even in the hard circumstances. But I also want to choose to be vulnerable and cry.
So there you have it, my word, my focus for the year.
I want to spend time this year actually thinking about the choices I make, to think if they are the best choices or not and why. And to make the best choices more often than not.

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