I buy my kids school pictures every year not because I think they are amazingly done or because I don't have enough pictures of my kids. Really I do it because they are an adorably cheesy way to remember their childhoods. Since I always spring for the cheapest package, I let them shine and choose what they want to wear and which background and pose they want. It amazes me each time how into it they get.
I remember school pictures being a big deal as a child, but I mostly think that was because it was like the only picture we had done in the year! My family certainly didn't go frolic in some idillic outdoor location for a photographer once a year. Heck, we didn't even hit up olan mills or jcpennys once a year for family pictures. That was more like every few years. I really do cherish the fact that we do family photos every year together and are able to document our children's childhoods so well. I do hope someday they are appreciative of that ;) Even if they aren't, I know as an old lady I will enjoy looking back. And I imagine it will be fun to show my grandchildren pictures of their parents when they were young.
I really don't know how I got so far away from school pictures so quickly like that! But here is a picture I snapped of the kids when I was dropping them off at school on picture day.
Some things I want to remember about this is how Isla laid out five dresses to choose from. And how she wore wedges to school...which I thought her teacher would be mad about, but never said anything. And how Connor wanted to make sure his hair looked nice, which he never even wants it touched normally. And how he wanted to make sure he brushed his teeth extra good for pictures. It's the little details that make me smile. And make me glad I at least buy the cheap package of pictures.

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