After Connor had yet another meltdown in the church nursery on Sunday and had to be brought to me screaming his head off during the service, I had yet another conversation with a nursery worker over what "went wrong".
I again heard some story of how Connor felt lost during "free play" and wondered around the nursery crying, so they brought him to me.
Taking Connor to the nursery at church is becoming a bit like torture for the both of us. I understand it takes some getting used to, especially since he had to be 9 months old before he could go...thus old enough that he was totally and completely used to hanging out with me during church. But, he now recognizes the nursery. When we are walking down the steps to get there, his bottom lip pops out and he starts crying. No, make that screaming. Real tears and everything. So, then I have this inner struggle wondering if it is bad to force something upon my child that he obviously hates so much.
And personally, I get why he feels overwhelmed. There are only like 20+ kids in the nursery with far too few workers. And Connor is only used to one on one time with me or playing with my friend's kids...where there are never more than 3 present at a time. I would feel overwhelmed too. Especially if I was the runt of the group.
But I find myself struggling. Do I continue to take Connor to something that he hates? It feels like torture to me. I sit in service feeling sick to my stomach, waiting for them to bring my crying baby to me. Yet, do I give in and make my child unable (or perhaps, unwilling) to adapt to different situations?
I know deep down that he needs to get used to nursery settings. It just breaks my heart to see him cry like that. It just makes me want to keep him with me for a little longer before I push nursery on him again.
I just hate seeing him cry like that.
Have a Romantic Weekend.
1 day ago
I totally understand your struggle. Seeing your kid cry is The Worst thing ever. (Wait until you have to start discipling it kills!). But in my opinion, I would keep dropping him off. Although it might take quite awhile at some point he will get used to the nursery.
ReplyDeleteMy experience with teaching years of swimming lessons and doing sunday school is that the younger the child is expose the easier it is for them to adjust. Sunday school is just once a week, rather than forcing something like daily day care on him, so I would continue using it as a tool for Connor to adjust to bigger social situations. It will be better for both you in the long run (oh, and would they allow you to stay in there with him? That might help if you did that for a few weeks.)
I think you should go into his class with him so that you can help him adjust to it. Try that a few times and see if it helps. It usually does.
ReplyDeleteI think you should go into his class with him so that you can help him adjust to it. Try that a few times and see if it helps. It usually does.