I still remember Callum's last day of school. It was surreal. The news of the virus hit hard and fast and mass panic spread quickly. On his last day of school, five kids attended in his class. People were scared. And I think we had five cases of the virus in our county at that point. I remember speculating with the teachers what would happen with the school closure. I don't think any of us thought it would last until the end of the year. Had I thought it would, I probably would have lingered chatting with those ladies a little longer (I love his teachers!) and would have taken one last photo of him with them. Hindsight.
Honestly, Callum doesn't really realize what he is missing out on. He doesn't even necessarily understand what is going on. He will ask to go places "when people aren't sick anymore". And when I tell him that he will be in a different class at school next year, he insists that he wants to go back to being three and stay in the same class at "playdough school".
Callum loved school and loved being around other kids. He loved playing in the sandbox and singing the songs on the carpet. Sending him to school was such a good thing for him and I really do hope they are able to open again in the fall.

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