Scenes from Quarantine {week eight}

^^ "fort comfy" as Isla named it

^^ our unintentional coordination game was strong that day! 

One of the kids had a meltdown this week and screamed "I hate coronavirus and I hate the heat!" I have never felt more the same with any of my children.

My kids have been troopers. We haven't gotten together with anyone during quarantine. That means, my kids have played with no one except for each other for eight weeks. And sometimes, they just really, really want to play with someone else. When we have done birthday parades, Callum has cried seeing his friends in other cars and not being able to get out to be with them. Isla misses her friend Amelie so much. Sure, they can video chat, but that's just not the same as a good ole in the flesh play session. Connor, on the other hand, is living his best life, as the introvert that he is.

I didn't have a childhood stopped in tradition, so holidays during quarantine haven't bothered me at all. In fact, I enjoy the slowness and ease of them. On Mother's Day, we drove to pick up some rims Ian found. No one except for Ian even got out of the car. Then, on the way home, we stopped and picnicked and played at a normally busy stop that was closed. It made for the perfect outting and stop. And it felt oh-so-refreshing to get out of the house.

Early in the week, Ian noticed the windshield on my van shattered. We don't know when or how it happened, as I hadn't gone anywhere in a few days. But getting it replaced has turned out to be quite the process. Insurance processes separately the window and the censors in it for dive assist. So stupid.  But here we are, a week later, still not having the whole thing done.

Since it has been warm, the kids have played in the pool a bunch. But the weather is turning a bit cooler again and I am certainly not saying no to that. I would take 70* days any day over pool time. Our house just gets so hot when it's hot out and that seems especially torturous when it's time to go to sleep.

That's all I've got for you today.

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