It's funny how different things can feel the third time around. I remember being so nervous with Connor. Feeling like I was leaving him with total strangers. After all, I was. Now, it's our third time in the same classroom and it just feels, well, normal.
There was no crying or clinging for Callum on the first day of school. He just ran in and started playing. Later I realized I never really said bye to him and was afraid he would be sad when he realized I was gone. That never happened. The kid was MORE than ready to start school. Of course the first day of school was also show and tell. They reminded us at the preview day and I of course totally forgot. #momfail
Callum was insistent on not only bringing his backpack on the first day of school, but also me packing his lunch. I first just threw a few snacks in his bag, but he got mad until I actually packed him a lunch. But I guess it worked out, as it gave him something to eat once he got home.
^^ Callum destroyed his first day of school craft in the car on the way home, so I guess it's good that I at least took this picture before we left!
Though I'm excited for Callum to be in school and get some socialization, I kind of forgot how busy having an extra drop off and pick up makes the day feel. It just makes things feel so much busier and like there is less downtime. Oh well, such is life.

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