2011 in Review

Looking back on the year is always fun for me. It allows me to remember the ups and downs of the year. 2011 has been a busy year with us having just moved back to the states, buying a home, having a baby and still managing to have some fun. While looking back on the year, one month stood out to me - March. Nothing really exciting happened that month. We didn't go anywhere and nothing really worth reporting happened. I am going to blame it on being smack dab in the middle of Ian's busy season (he's an accountant). Because of March 2011 being such a mundane month, I am going to work on making sure March 2012 rocks!

And without further ado, 2011 in review:

January - Ian started his new job and I came to grips with living back in Modesto.

February - I found out I was pregnant with little miss Isla, though no one else (besides Ian) found out about it for a while. I also started house hunting . We took Connor up to the snow and were once again reminded, he doesn't like the snow!

March - Uhhh...

April - We went into escrow on our house and told everyone I was pregnant. I turned 30. And we went camping.

May - We got the keys to our house and moved in.

June - It was a bumpy road moving into our house...with ants moving in with us and all. And, Ian and I celebrated our 8th anniversary.

July - Those pesky ants came back. We got out of town . And also hit up the fair.

August - Our friends from Scotland came to visit!

September - We finished Isla's room. And I made laundry detergent for the first time, which by the way works GREAT!

October - I went to the pumpkin patch too many times (wrote about it here and here). Oh, and I had a baby!

November - We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and "saw" the US Capitol Christmas treewhen it passed thru Modesto. And my baby little boy turned two years old.

December -  Well December was filled with Christmas related things - like twelve dates of Christmas, visiting santa, Christmas parties and the actual day itself.

This year was filled with some great memories and a lot of happenings in our life. I am excited to see what 2012 has in store for me.

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