I love Christmas. Christmas eve service is my favorite service of the year. Watching Connor enjoy the lights and presents made this year even more special. Some of this years highlights included:
Isla enjoying the lights on the Christmas tree. She laid under there for almost an hour staring at the lights and grabbing the branches.
Connor opening presents. Of course, as soon as he would open one, he only wanted to play with that one and not open any others. Except if it was clothes. In that case, he threw them and moved on.
Connor wore his kilt on Christmas day...and looked so adorable.
More present opening; this time at my parent's house. And more trains as presents!
Isla with her stocking from my parents.
Isla was definitely enjoying her first Christmas. She was all smiles, having just woken up from a nap.
Isla enjoying one of her Christmas presents. She was staring at herself in the mirror and pulling on the toys. It was really cute.
Though Christmas can be stressful with running back and forth between families houses, it is still fun seeing everyone. And, we started a little tradition of our own this year. We did Christmas eve as a family - went to church, came home and had dinner, the kids opened their presents (well, Connor opened his AND Isla's), then we read the Christmas story (from the bible...a kids bible this year) and off to bed the kiddos went.
It was a great time. I look forward to watching the kids grow up and hopefully love Christmas (and the reason behind it) as much as I do.
Have a Restful Weekend.
2 days ago
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