Isla got to pick out flowers. Connor got to get a plant with "candy leaves"…it's actually two plants. Stevia and peppermint and when you eat one of each leaf together, it tastes so good. Though I do wonder how long the plants will last because Connor is constantly wanting to eat the leaves! I grabbed a tomato plant and some other small plants for our yard. Then I let the kids pick out some seeds.
Connor has been wanting to grow things from seeds for a while now. Thankfully the nursery had quite the collection for the kids to choose from. Isla chose two packs of flowers (shocker) and Connor chose carrots (which he has been wanting to grow for a while now because of a Curious George episode), watermelon and white pumpkins. He actually wanted to get a bunch more, but I thought we should start small. We bought one of those little seed greenhouses and put both carrot and watermelon seeds in it. Now I just need to figure out where we are going to plant them after they sprout!!! I am actually hoping to add at least one raised garden bed to our backyard this year.
And just so you know it's not all sunshine and rainbows over here, on the way to the car, I tipped the wagon over while going down a little hill. Our plants ended up upside down on the parking lot. Both kids were crying and I was just trying to make sure that neither my kids or my plants got ran over! It was a mess. Thankfully, all the plants were salvageable and once I got them loaded back on the wagon, the kids were fine. And now all the plants are safely planted in our yard.

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I've never heard of putting peppermint and stevia together. I think I'd eat the whole plant too!