Connor's school open house was this past week, on my birthday. A couple days before, they brought home an invite to the open house that they wrote the information on and drew a picture of what they were most excited to show us. Connor drew a butterfly. His class is watching caterpillars turn into butterflies, so I thought that's what he meant. Turns out that he meant the butterfly craft where he is the butterfly…and, I'm not biased or anything, but I think that's a cuter butterfly anyway!
Connor acted oddly shy about his open house. Turns out he does have a bit of my personality! He didn't want any of his grandparents to come. And when his study buddy Matt (the kindergartners each have a 6th grader they meet with once a week) came in his class to say hi, he just stared at the ground refusing to talk.
The classroom was crazy busy, so after finding all of Connor's work (some was even hanging from the ceiling!) and letting Connor show us some of the stuff his teacher uses to teach with, we took off. I did try to get Connor to go look at the first grade classrooms before we left, but he got all shy about it. I did peek my head in, so I would have more of an idea on what to expect for him for next year. I can't believe Connor's first year of elementary school is already almost over. Time really does fly.

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