^^ Just look at this smiley kid! I tell you, it's hard not to smile and be filled with joy when he is smiling so big.
Happy weekend! We have a birthday party to attend and I am taking some family photos on Sunday. Other than that, I am hoping for a pretty chill weekend. I like an empty calendar that we can just fill how we see fit in the heat of the moment.
Some weekend reads and things for you to ponder:
Something for Christians to think about regarding the election.
Target has started their 50% off one toy a day on cartwheel again for the Christmas season.
Speaking of Christmas, some good words regarding presents.
Nothing like a scary story to keep your kid in a car seat until they are 16! Actually the law in California is a booster until 8, so this type of injury wouldn't of happened here anyway.
Tips for enjoying your kids more

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That was a super thought-provoking article. Thanks for sharing it!