We all know the days and weeks leading up to Christmas can be stressful. And no one wants that, but it still seems to happen. Why is that? Expectations. Sure, many of these expectations are ones we put on ourselves. Trying to make the holidays magical for our children. Trying to find that perfect gift for everyone on our list. But also, many of those expectations are thrust upon us. There is the expectation to go visit every last family member within driving distance. The expectation to show up at every holiday function your kid's school does...and don't forget the freshly baked goods. Let's not even talk about how many times the school asks for donations for things and for some reason they send the note home the day before said donations are due! It can just start feeling overwhelming.
Up until this week, all has been calm in the Grimbleby household. I really have tried buying thoughtful gifts for our family members...and buying those thoughtful gifts early. Said gifts have been purchased, but not a one has yet to be wrapped. Oops. But that's neither here nor there because that has nothing to do with the chaos of this week. School is where that chaos comes in. There are holiday parties, teacher gifts, book fairs, craft fairs, gifts from little friends at school who's mom is obviously more on top of it (thus the feel to reciprocate). And it just starts feeling like a lot. Sure these things are all fun to do...but not all at the same time. And certainly not at the same time as having a certain one year old that is on a sleeping strike. So, you may or may not find me hiding in a corner of my home, sipping on some coffee, while staring at a to do list trying to determine what is truly necessary and what is not.
Other than school, things are pretty simple and calm around our house this holiday season. We have our daily Christmas advent books...which sometimes we forget to do. We've gone to look at Christmas lights one night...but never got around to putting any on the outside of our house. Having categories for the kids presents makes shopping a breeze...one to wear, one to play, one to read and one (well, I did get two) to share.
I'm looking forward to next week. Nothing on our agenda. No school. No parties. No early mornings. Plenty of time for gingerbread house building, Christmas movie watching and perhaps even wrapping a present or two.

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