One of the great and scary things about moving back to a place so familiar is reconnecting with old friends. Now, I've been gone for 10 years. And I am thinking that I have certainly changed in the past 10 years. Let me think...
* I no longer have bleached hair (which was such a mistake)
* I no longer drive like I am being chased by the cops (i.e. I've slowed down)
* I can no longer out eat everyone around me
* I don't care about shopping like I used to
* Staying out all hours of the night is no longer cool to me
But there are some things about me that are still the same...
* I still love Jesus
* I still love Ian
* I still have curly hair
* I still constantly wear t-shirts and jeans
So reconnecting with others who have also changed can be, um, interesting. Some of us just don't mesh anymore. While others, we go together so well (still) it blows my mind. And getting back together with these people is so freaking refreshing. They know me. They know the stupid things I did as a teenager. Yet they know I have changed. And I know they have changed too.
Last night a group of us girls went to dinner together. And it was a blast. We laughed about the past and not-so-secretly hoped our children aren't as stupid as we were. We talked about the present. And just enjoyed our time together.
I am so happy to see that time and distance doesn't change feelings among friends. And reconnecting with old friends makes this move so much easier.
Now to get my own house, so I can actually invite people over.
Four Fun Things
10 hours ago
Isn't that crazy? Seeing people who haven't seen you change (who you haven't witnessed change either)? It's half super sad and half really comforting. It's like bumping into book characters from a novel you read when you were 12.