Isla {1 Month}

Weight: 10.5 lbs
Length: 21.5 inches
Rolled over - from stomach to back

Why hello there, month one. You sure flew by. I swear it goes by so much faster when babies are on the outside then on the inside. Maybe its because I don't want it to. Oh well. 

Little miss Isla is growing like a weed. Seriously, this girl is gaining weight like no other. She's pretty much outgrown her newborn clothes and is filling out her 0-3 month clothes nicely. But its probably because she eats like a champ (ie: wants to eat all the freaking time!) and doesn't spit everything up like Connor furniture thanks her for this!

Isla seems to sleep the best in the morning...which is both good and bad. Its good because it allows me to get ready relatively peacefully (I still have Connor running around). And its bad because it means her late evenings could use some improvement. She usually tends to be up until about 1am. But, in a couple weeks, I will be starting Isla on a schedule, so that should all change. 

And, here are a couple pictures I took on her actual 1 month birthday (Sunday). Don't worry. We didn't celebrate with a cake or a party or anything. We aren't those we already had Connor's birthday party that day!

1 comment:

  1. Rolling over already! What an overachiever.

    She looks like Connor in the top picture.


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