I read an article the other day that talked about how most people find looking at friends vacation photos annoying and they wished people wouldn't share them on social media. That made me a bit sad. I love looking at my friends vacation photos. It's not like I go to their houses after their trips and they bust out the slide projector and give me a presentation of their trip. So if they didn't post them on social media, how would I be able to enjoy the trip with them? Then again, I love and value travel, so maybe that is why I like it so much. Who knows. Moving on...moving on to sharing my vacation photos with you ;)
We spent Friday through Monday camping in Monterey Bay at a KOA. The campground itself is kind of a mecca for children. Our campsite backed right up to the playground, which was perfect for the kids to go out and play whenever. There seemed to be a large number of girls around Isla's age at the campground, so it especially worked out well for her.
On Saturday we went to an annual street fair in Santa Cruz that ended up being a bit of a let down and sort of lame. But we walked to a good coffee shop after, so win there. Then we took the kids to the boardwalk. It was crazy busy, but the kids had a good time. I took Isla on the ferris wheel. The views were spectacular, but I have to admit, when we were stopped at the very top and it was vibrating a bit, it made me sort of anxious. But the moving part, that was fun. Callum got to have ice cream two different times because the poor kid was confined to his stroller while we took turns taking the kids on rides.
On Sunday we packed up and headed to the beach. It was fun. But going to the beach with a toddler is no easy feat. Callum kept running straight for the water and really didn't want to do anything else. He would play in the sand for a quick minute before beelining it straight for the water again. After he was good and tired out, I changed him, buckled him in his stroller and fed him snacks until we were ready to go. That made things a bit more peaceful! Connor and Isla were really into playing in the sand, which was fun.
After the beach we headed back to the campground for some downtime, then made smores. Both Connor and Isla liked roasting the marshmallows, but only Isla would try (and said she liked) the smore. It reminds me of the first time we gave the kids smores. I was so excited and they hated the sticky mess that were the smores. This year, we gave one to Callum too. You can see the cute picture below where he is holding it above his head...just before he threw it on the ground. He had no interest in actually eating it. Oh well.
Camping is always a bit of fun and stress all mixed together. The one thing I was bummed about, is I totally forgot to bring a book. I was disappointed because sitting by the trailer, with the playground in view, with a good book in my hand would have been perfect. Next time though, right?
^^ Connor and I on the front of a roller coaster. I was all annoyed because people kept cutting in line. ..that makes me sound so old! But then it worked out that we got to be in the front of the roller coaster. So I guess the line cutting was good?
^^ Digging a hole. He actually told me that I would have to help him pull out the buried treasure when he found it. Alas, it was never found.
^^ My kids always love being buried in the sand and busting out.
^^ Confined to the stroller...but when you get to eat all sorts of goodness, it's not so bad!
^^ I seem to be the only person in my family who enjoys a good crispy marshmallow that's been caught on fire. To each their own.
^^ It looks like he is playing keep away, but he is just gearing up to throw that thing!

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