Thankfully no one was crazy sick on father's day, like mother's day, so the show went on as planned. On Saturday evening, my parents and brother came over for a bbq and swim time to hang out and celebrate my dad. On Sunday morning, we went to church, then went home and chilled for a few hours...put Callum down for a nap, did stuff around the house, etc. Then we went and took the annual father's day pictures before heading out to Ian's parents house for a bbq with his parents and brother's family.
Annual photos on various holidays are kind of becoming my favorite. They are an easy and fun way to watch everyone grow and change. Plus, I love watching their personalities shine through in the group shots. Cough, cough, hello Isla! I will definitely be taking these pictures and every other cheesy one out there until the kids flat our refuse to get in the shot...but then I'll give it time and restart the tradition, because we all know the stuff we find lame and corny as teenagers we totally love as parents ourselves!

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