On Saturday we went to a Giants game in San Francisco. We decided not to take Callum, given how squirmy he is and that it was a night game. I think we made the right call ;) Also, my brother Jeremy came with us.
As soon as we entered the stadium, Connor spotted a soft pretzel and snagged one of those. Isla held out for some cotton candy and eventually a vendor came around selling that. Ian took each of the kids separately on a little adventure during the game, kind of helping with their wiggles. Connor tried figuring out what was going on with the game. Isla constantly wanted to know "who won" every time the crowd would cheer. Also, she loved the music that would constantly play, which is no surprise because she loves to dance every time music comes on.
The game went into extra innings and got over pretty late. Both kids fell asleep in the car and transferred to their beds without waking. The next morning, both of them thought it was so funny when they woke fully dressed, including with their sweatshirts still on.
It was a good time.
^^ It felt so strange changing in to jeans and packing sweatshirts when it was over 100* at home.
^^ I was so excited to enjoy some cold weather for a few hours. Even now, looking at us all wearing jackets, I want to go back!
^^ Someone may or may not have entertained themselves with instagram for a while. This is her favorite one and it always cracks me up that she "holds" the pipe every time.
^^ Me and my be-speckled brother. My poor kids don't stand a chance. I have HORRIBLE eyes, Ian wears glasses, both his parents wear glasses, my brother wears glasses and so do both my parents. Still, my eyes are way worse than any of our family members...whomp, whomp, whomp.
We laughed on the way home because we were litereally driving at the same time exactly a week before on our way home from the airport from Boston. We even stopped at the same starbucks at almost the same time. Both times getting home about 1am...YAWN.

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