^^ Every time Callum wears this shirt, someone thinks he is a girl...yesterday it was a mom at ballet.
We get to find out the kids teachers today, they start school on Monday. Ian and I have a date planned for this weekend are are going to take a trip to Ikea for some little decor items for the house...and I am sure a house plant or two will come home with us at the same time. Other than that, it's a chill weekend before the school schedule once again begins.
Some things this week:
A guy in our neighborhood that has three kids and is in his 30's died this week and it hit close to home. A day later, I saw this article and found it to be a good one about what I would want my kids to know if I died young.
I really, really, really want to score tickets to the Museum of Ice Cream when it is in San Francisco in September.
I am wanting to add more family photos to our house and this is my inspiration for one wall.
Speaking of that, where do you get your photo books? I usually use shutterfly, but am thinking of trying out this deal.
I knew I wasn't crazy for watching the same shows over and over! It's Friends and How I Met Your Mother for me. How about for you?
That's all I've got. Go forth and have a great weekend!

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