Awesome: I ordered some amazing toilet paper that not only is made from recycled material, the company donates 50% of their profits. Totally up my alley.
Awesome x2: The company is called Who Gives A Crap. Which, side note, my postman found this hysterical, as did I.
Awkward: Connor announced to his whole class the name of our new toilet paper and his teacher was less than amused. Even when she was telling me, I was like, "But isn't it funny?!" She didn't seem to find the humor in it all.
Awesome: Isla's teachers told her how proud of her they were for her doing the right thing in a situation with a friend at school.
Awkward: When I asked Isla how she responded, she said she put her head down and walked around the teachers to the playground. And she finished up with, "Mom, it was so embarrassing. It felt like I was a celebrity."
Awesome: Your UPS driver (of seven years!) recognizing you while out and about and saying hi.
Awkward: All the moms with you thinking you have a severe online shopping addiction.
Which, let's just let my next one be about the UPS driver too.
Awesome: The new travel stroller I ordered for our vacation this summer arrived.
Awkward: The UPS driver asked if I was expecting again.
Awesome: Callum and one of the yard duties at the kids school high five every day. Callum starts yelling his name and waving the whole time we are walking toward the school, until he gets his high five.
Awkward: Callum coughed so hard while we were walking to school the other day he vomited. I tried to warn the yard duty that his hands were gross, but the yard duty still gave him a high five.
Awesome: Scrolling through old pictures of the kids (one of my favorite pastimes), seeing an old picture of Connor and realizing just how much him and Callum look alike.
Awkward: The picture was actually Callum.
Awesome: Connor loves me to go out to recess with him when I am working in his class at school. He especially likes me to battle the other kids at tether ball.
Awkward: Getting beat by a second grader...who was not my child.
Like I said in the beginning, my kids give me a lot of awkward/awesome situations on the daily!

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