This week:
- I learned that I certainly get angry when finding out than someone (a grown adult) dissed my child behind my back. Thankfully I took some time to cool off and didn't do any of the things that were going through my mind after I found out. But it also was a reminder how much gossip hurts people.
- Parks with water play areas are the best. But when adults are playing in them without children, it's kind of weird.
- No matter what you do, you literally can't control where toddler vomit goes in a car.
- Hanging out with a friend and drinking a glass of wine can relieve almost any tension from the day.
- Isla now tries to get out of her car seat. I don't ever remember Connor tinkering with his buckles this young.
- I had an unexpected three day break from cell phone and internet service. I literally thought I wouldn't survive. It was a tad bit pathetic.
Life has been busy the past couple weeks, but things should be slowing down again here shortly. So I am sorry if you have to be reading up on my old news in upcoming posts, but this is the place where I document things I don't want to forget and well, it is life as I know it, so yeah. But, here's to life getting back into a routine again!

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