Connor on top, Callum on bottom. These pictures are actually taken two months apart. Connor was four months old in that picture and Callum is two months old. Connor was such a peanut. I do think they look similar, but definitely not like the same baby. It's hard to tell from this picture, but Connor had much more hair than Callum does. And Callum doesn't open his eyes as much as Connor did. I wish I had a picture of Isla in the same outfit to throw in the mix too. But I don't know if she actually ever wore this outfit. I do already have an outfit in Callum's drawers that both the older kids wore and can't wait to do a comparison of all three. But, given those pictures were done at 5 months old, I should probably wait a bit. Then again, Callum is in some sort of growth contest and probably won't fit in the outfit at all at that age. Hey, he's trying to not live in the shadows of his older siblings ;)
I have enjoyed using Connor's hand me downs on Callum more than I care to admit. It takes me back to a time that seems like a lifetime ago, but was really only six years ago. A time when I was a first time mom. A time when I lived in a different country. A time when having a baby seemed so foreign and new to me. It's fun to remember all those things.

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Your kids all look related but each of them definitely has their own look. And oh my goodness I love those five months photos of Isla and Connor, I can't wait to see Callum in it too! You make some pretty cute babies.