Since winter finally hit California this past week, we decided to seize the day and go visit the snow...because who knows how long it will stick around for! We went to an area we have never played in before. Since we went early, the road wasn't even freshly plowed. It was really fun to see all the fresh snow glistening in the sun, not yet trampled upon by people. Plus, there weren't cars on this road yet, so it was like we had the place to ourselves. We stopped to play at a road that hadn't been plowed at all, so was undriveable. It was a good stop. We actually had the place to ourselves for most the time we were there.
I am pretty sure Ian and I had more fun sledding than the kids. They honestly weren't as into it as we were. But Isla was definitely into the snow. She literally became one with the snow the whole time we were there. She was constantly laying in it, digging in it, rolling around in it. She didn't take a break the whole time we were there. In fact, she spent the last good bit of our time there digging a cave for herself.
Callum refused to wear his snowsuit. Like went hysterical when we put it on him. So, he played in his pajamas. And he really seemed like he could care less about that. He did quickly learn that he needed gloves on and after grabbing the snow without gloves, was pretty diligent about keeping his gloves on the rest of the time. His favorite thing to do in the snow was run from us and throw it.
After being the most enthusiastic about the snow out the gate, Connor fizzled. But in the beginning, he was the one trying to make a sledding path and convincing Isla to go on it. About halfway through, he retreated to the car and read a book.
We were pretty much ending our time of snow play, but a group of a few cars with a bunch of people arrived and cemented our plans to leave. It was a fun day.
^^ I take myself very seriously
^^ One of his moments of running away
On a side note, we used big rubber bands on Callum's boots to keep them on and that worked great. We also ended up putting small rubber bands on his gloves to keep those on too. Whatever works, right?

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