So distance learning Connor, he can do it all on his own, easily. And it doesn't take him long. Isla, on the other hand, needs help switching among the approximately 35 programs they use about every 60 seconds. So that's going about as smooth as you can imagine. And she has way more work than Connor. Also fun. I did decide to look up Go Noodle on you tube this past week for the kids and that is actually fun. The kids love it. They ask to do several videos at one time and it helps to get their wiggles out.
We actually made it two weeks between grocery trips and I found that oddly satisfying. Sure, every meal is not Pinterest worthy, but they are good...or at least decent, haha! I also discovered we go through way more peanut butter than I would ever think.
You know the friends episode where they talk about how there is no such thing as a selfless good deed? Well, I have decided to do a couple good deeds a week to boost the joy level in myself and others. These aren't big things necessarily. It's things like sending someone a note in the mail or leaving a bottle of wine on their porch. Just a little something-something to boost morale.
Speaking of boosting morale. Instead of making a daily list of things to do (which I normally do and LOVE...nerd, I know) I have switched to a list of things I would like to accomplish over the week. It's a shift in perspective, but allows me to get things done I have been wanting to do, but also not stick to a rigid schedule. I have done things like finish painting the laundry room (I only started in September!), painting the attic door in the girls room, dropping off hand-me-downs to someone, taking a load of stuff to be donated. Just some ways to make me feel productive. Also, all those things did not happen in one week!
In case you care to see more specifics of what we got up to this week - easter (technically the end of week four) and Connor and I baked bread.

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