Turns out I have hit my stride. Things seem to be humming along here nicely. And my soul has calmed down a bit too. However, I would say I am a bit...bored?
It's hard to say I am bored when I literally never stop moving. Four kids. Helping with schooling. Keeping the kids fed...and all those dishes done. Plus picking up the house. And the laundry. More dishes. More cooking. And the walks I make the kids take. I'm really not bored. I would just like a change in scenery, I guess.
Connor's "new" computer arrived this week. It is a Macintosh plus from 1986. He is totally loving it...and even cleaned out his desk to make room for it. So that's a win for me too. We went by Isla's best friend's house to drop off a present for her and give her the birthday banner the kids made her. The kids weren't too happy that I wouldn't let them out of the car. But, standing there (well, me anyway) talking to actual people outside of my family for a few minutes was pretty dang amazing. We went and dropped off a present for my nephew on his first birthday too. Pool Callum was none-too-pleased that I wouldn't let him out of the car to play with his cousins. Callum has been taking the cushions off the couch every day to both jump on the couch springs and to make a nest of sorts to lay in.
We are obeying orders and staying in. I feel safer that way. Going too close to people gives me anxiety. Even out walking, I don't like being on the trail by our house because too many people are on it. I just find it easier avoiding stores and staying home for my own sanity. Though we did take a drive around town just to get out one day and that was nice.
Three weeks down...eight to go? That's just a guess. I don't really know.

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