Though the highlight was seeing santa on the train, I'll be honest, my kids really don't know who santa is. Even the other day, I pointed at a picture of santa and asked Connor who it was and he said "the man who brings presents to kids." It's not that I don't like santa, I just don't overly push him in my house. Back to our train adventure...really, the kids were looking forward to the train ride.
Besides santa being on the train, there were some other cute Christmasy touches as well. There was an elf going around and putting glitter stars on everyones cheeks. She put them on me and Ian too...of course, the kids just thought it was fun wiping them off, but whatever, I liked it! There also was a man who went around playing Christmas songs on a violin and it was fun when everyone on the train would start to sing along.
They did warm up to the point that they would smile at santa, but neither of them ever talked to him. And it was hard just getting Connor to nicely accept a candy cane from santa's elf. Thankfully Isla was a little better with the elf.
I'm glad we went and I'm glad the kids had fun...even if they aren't too sure about santa. But I'll be honest, I am never too sure about santa either (the santa figure in general, not the usually sweet old men who play him)!
After the train ride, we found the smallest of patches of snow for the kids to play on. Connor didn't seem too impressed. He said "it's ice" and we tried explaining to him that, well, snow is basically ice. But, Isla was loving stomping around in the practically non-existant snow.
Now that we have done a Christmas activity, I am finally feeling like the Christmas season is upon us. I still have a few more things I would like to do with the kids before Christmas. Hopefully we can cram it all in the next week and a half. Seriously, why has Christmas snuck up on me this year?!

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I love the orange Patagonia jacket!
ReplyDeleteAnd my kids feel the same about Santa. I'm not anti I just don't really do anything with him so the boys pretty much ignore him. I'm still not sure what we will say when Landon starts asking more questions.