We started off Christmas day with a fun morning at our house. We slept in a little (well, Isla and I did), then got the kids ready for their big surprise...
As I mentioned before, Isla won the throw down to sit in the driver's seat first. The kids were super excited about the tractor and that made me pretty dang happy because I had bought it off craigslist a couple months ago...my planning paid off!
Then the kids opened their stockings. After that, they opened their presents. They each get three presents from us - wear, read and play - along with their big "share" present. I didn't take any pictures of them opening presents because, well, I was busy getting up in the action with them. Connor was actually excited about all his presents because his "wear" was a lego shirt and his "read" were lego books and, well, he gets excited about anything lego. And that was a win, win for both of us! Isla wasn't into her clothes, but she did like her book and toy (a wood mixer for her kitchen).
Connor was pretty dang excited about a minion paint book in his stocking and quickly wanted to use it. And Isla's face in the background is priceless. That girl looks up to her brother so much even though they fight constantly.
After our walk/ride, we headed over to my parent's house to celebrate Christmas with my family. And besides the pictures I took of Isla in her Christmas dress, I literally took no more pictures the rest of the day.
We spent the middle of the day with my family. We had a light lunch and opened presents, then my aunt, uncle and cousin stopped by. I tried to get Isla to nap, but it didn't work. Then we headed over to Ian's parents house for Christmas dinner with his extended family.
It was a good day, full and tiring, but good. I wish I could figure out how to spread the cheer over a few days so it isn't so tiring, but I am pretty sure everyone is trying to figure out the same thing. Maybe next year I will figure it out...

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I love the minion paint book! The pictures look so detailed. I want one!