Your legs are getting longer. You grow out of your shoes before a season is even over. When you fall asleep on the couch, you look so much bigger than you used to, taking up so much of it. Everyday you seem to be doing more and more on your own, putting your clothes on, picking up trash, taking showers and even brushing your teeth without much of a fight.
And yet, you still need me. You still want hugs from mom when you are hurt. You still want me to cuddle with you at night. You still hold my hand in public.
With every new accomplishment, I swell with pride, but also push back the feelings that these young years, the years that you needed me, just haven't lasted long enough. It has been the only season in my life that I vividly remember not wanting to end. But, at the same time, I can't wait until you are adults and I have the type of relationship with you like I have with my mom, a friendship.
I feel so privileged to have you two in my life. But, I have to admit, I am still learning to deal everyday with the joy of seeing you do new things but the tinge of sadness at seeing you leave a stage behind.
^^ Little legs being sat on is one of my favorite.

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gah - so incredibly written. powerful.