For a few days now, Connor has been asking me, "How many sleeps until my tooth falls out?" I have made him guess, then I guess. Not an hour before he pulled his tooth out, he asked me that very question and I said "I think tomorrow, just keep wiggling it." Then, before you know it, he tells me he thinks it's ready to come out. Thankfully, I had my camera in the car, and we were parked, so I filmed him pulling it out. For your viewing pleasure, the little video clip is below.
Oh, and Connor totally knows that the tooth fairy is his 'ole mom and dad, but he is still excited. He told us once he went to sleep, we were supposed to take his tooth out of the bag it's in and put money in the bag instead. At least he schooled us on what we are supposed to do. I mean, this is our first time, what if we didn't know?! ;)
These milestones are so incredibly fun. I love being able to watch my kids grow up. I feel privileged to be a part of their lives and see these "firsts" happen. It feels like just yesterday he got his first tooth, yet that feels like a lifetime ago at the same time. And apparently five years ago, I didn't think blogging about Connor getting his first tooth was important, so I didn't. But I did mention in his 8 month update that he had two teeth, both on the bottom. So, he lost either the first or second tooth he got in. We will never know. And I am sure some day he will berate me for not knowing…I kid. I know he won't care.

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He doesn't look so happy when pulling his teeth out lol!! Sweet boy already losing his teeth :( stop growing up