^^ I struggled deciding between this picture and one of Isla actually smiling at the camera. Ultimately this one won out because Isla has been doing this lately. Instead of smiling at the camera, she looks at the person she is in the picture with and smiles. Like only a mother would, I find it cute.
Last week a few of my friends and our kids met at the river to play. I had never been to this area before and didn't know what to expect. And, truth be told, the words play/river/children just don't go together for me. But I was pleasantly surprised. The river was clear. It didn't get deep until about halfway out…and up until that point it was at most 18 inches deep. It was the perfect spot for kids to play. They splashed in the water. They played with trucks in the water. They turned a big log into a teeter totter. I enjoyed it so much that there will definitely be a next time. And next time, I will wear my bathing suit so I can sit in the middle of the water and cool off…my friend did this and I was totally jealous. And, next time, I will bring toys for my kids to play with so they don't have to steal everyone else's.

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What a cool place. I wish we had something similar. And I love that picture of Isla too b/c of the story attached to it. Something you'll want to remember forever!