Awkward: Plopping myself down on a public toilet only to find it wet
Awkward x2: I don't use toilet seat covers
Awesome: Spending time with a friend I haven't seen in a almost a year
Awesome x2: There is never any awkwardness between us no matter how long we go between visits
Awesome: The most amazing taco truck tacos that are just blocks from my parents home
Awkward: The jealousy I have toward my parents for living so close to said tacos
Awkward: Being thrown up on by my child
Awesome: Laughing hysterically about it, cause what else can you do?
Awkward: Ian was also hit and didn't think it was as funny as I did
Awkward: Crossing the picket line to go grocery shopping
Awesome: All the free stuff and deals they use to entice you in!
Awesome: Going to In-n-Out super early for lunch
Awesome x2: No line and open tables
Awkward: Being the youngest people there by like 50 years

I can't believe you laughed when you got puked on. That IS awesome!
ReplyDeleteAwkward: Crossing the picket line to go grocery shopping
ReplyDeleteAwesome: All the free stuff and deals they use to entice you in!
HAHAHAHAHA! You're hilarious!
I LOVE that you laughed when you got upchucked upon. You're the greatest.
If it makes you feel better, the toilet seat covers would've have done sh*t :)