
I swear these kids were in no way threatened or anything. They just chose not to smile for any picture I took with them. Their choice. Maybe, actually hopefully, next time they will crack a smile.

This week:

  • Connor left the toilet seat up and I sat down without looking. It seems I need to train him a little...and double check before sitting down! 
  • I love this video making its way around the internet. It's good for moms to know how much they are loved and appreciated. And this makes me realize I need to tell my own mom that more often. 
  • After a busy week, the kids and I spent about half the day in our pjs on Friday and it felt amazing. 
  • Isla has been obsessed with wearing both her hat (beanie) and jacket no matter the temperature outside. But she throws a fit if I don't let her and really, it just isn't a battle I feel is worth fighting. 
  • There was an awkward moment at Starbucks with a man waving at me that was then followed by my friend showing her "beat down stick" and discussing using it if he got any closer. My friends are the best...and so entertaining. 
  • I was once again reminded today that I hate daylight savings time. Early evenings suck. 


  1. oh man...i'm sure falling in the toilet happens to all moms with little boys (and forgetful husbands!)

  2. ok, that video totally made me cry. gah....

  3. That video is a much needed reminder to moms, we can be so hard on ourselves.


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