I don't know if it's the newest little man in my life, or the fact that we now have a coffee pot that keeps coffee hot for long periods, but I find myself drinking copious amounts of coffee everyday. Like amounts that rival my early 20's when I practically lived off caffeine. And it sure doesn't hurt that I have fresh roasted coffee at my disposal. Anyway…
The other day I made myself coffee and left for the school run without bringing it along with me. Unfortunately, this happens a lot these days. I run out of time, or really just forget in the hustle and bustle of the morning to grab my coffee before I head out the door. But, on the days that Isla has school, we spend a lot of time in the car, so there is a lot of coffee drinking time to be had. On this particular day, I decided to go to starbucks and grab myself a cup of coffee.
The first sip I took of the coffee made me think they used cigarette ash as coffee grinds. Obviously I don't know what cigarette ash tastes like, but if I had to guess, it would have been this cup of coffee. Yeah, it was awful. And thankfully, when I got home, my forgotten coffee was still nice and hot, sitting in the tumbler on the dining room table.
But seriously, I have never thought of myself as a coffee snob…or connoisseur. I leave that to my husband. Just give me coffee and I will drink it. Now, I find myself not only turning my nose up to coffee, but even no longer regularly drinking dark roast. WHO AM I?!
I blame Ian. Apparently starbucks is no longer good enough for me…of course, maybe that's a good thing considering how they are ruining their rewards program and all.

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HA! Bean Counter Coffee Roasters - 1, Starbucks - 0.