Lets just say I wasn't the only person with this idea. The pumpkin patch was crazy busy. But the fun part was running into a few people that I know. I always find it fun to randomly run into people I know. Plus, I had good company with my friend and her kids joining us.
There is just something about being out on a "farm" and watching the kids run around. Isla literally just rolls around in the dirt and has a grand ole time getting herself all dirty. Though I am pretty sure she wasn't too fond of getting hay in her diaper. But that is a risk you have to take when you roll around on the ground!
Both my kids are into walking on things. Connor had fun skipping from tire to tire. And Isla was into walking along the hay bales (and falling/getting stuck in between them).
And just to prove that sometimes it is the simple things in life that are the most fun (as if playing in dried corn isn't simple enough...) the kids had a blast jumping around on what I assume to be old mattresses covered in a tarp. That sounds so ghetto, but just look at those happy faces!
Well pumpkin patch, I sure do wish you were open longer than you are. But I am pretty sure you would lose your charm if you were. Until next year, my friend!
Want to see our past pumpkin patch visits? You can see the one when I was pregnant in 2011 here and when Isla was a newbie here. Then there is 2012 and of course, the trip from just a couple weeks ago.

Ha… you thought it was your last trip. I seriously LOVE watching your kiddos wrestle and play in the corn. So fun and reminds me of wrestling with my brother when I was young. As much as Isla doesn't like her photo taken, you still manage to get great photos of her. You have beautiful kiddos!