So, funny story about this entry and hallway of ours. When we bought the house, I thought the only things that would immediately need painting were the living and dining rooms that were very dungeon like and painted an olive green. As soon as we got the keys and went inside, it became apparent that the white walls were dingy and dirty. So, we chose a light grey for the whole house and went to painting. The house also didn't have baseboards, but quarter round, and Ian wanted baseboards installed. So, to make painting easier, Ian decided to roll a strip of grey paint around the bottom of all the walls as it meant he wouldn't have to paint right up to the baseboards after they were installed. Imagine my heart attack (anger?) when I walked in and saw that stripe everywhere. That eventually turned to laughter and it's a good thing...because it took SIX MONTHS before we finally finished painting the entry and hall way.
There was also a very decorative, i.e. belongs in a teenage girls room, chandelier hanging in the entry and we swapped that out for something a little more our taste. Lastly, in a little alcove toward the back of the hall, I made a little center for the kids to hang their backpacks and jackets, put their shoes and a board to put all those papers that kids need and I tend to lose.
The bench in the hallway used to be seating for our dining room table. At our last house, I decided to make it into a bit of an entry bench and loved having a place for us to take off our shoes, set things when we come in, etc, so did the same thing at this house.
^^ So you get an idea of the layout of the house, on the right of the stairs is the living room, on the left is the dining room, which is also connected to the kitchen. The door on the left at the end of the hall also leads to the kitchen. At the end of the hall, to the right is a full bathroom and a bedroom.
^^ One of my favorite additions has been this little catchall area for the kids. First, it isn't practical to store a school backpack upstairs when we do homework downstairs. Second, it's so easy to tell the kids to put their stuff away and it ALL GOES AWAY IN THE SAME PLACE. Genius. And when they ask where something is...BAM! Yep, love it.
Want to see more of our house? Here is the living room (before I changed it up...I am a rearranging addict folks!), dining room, our master bedroom (which now has a couple additions), Connor's room (before he was sharing with Isla) and Callum's room.

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