About 23 years ago, Charlotte from The Daily Snapshot nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award.
Basically, it is a fun way to share the love to a blogger that has less than 200 followers. And the important part, it is a fun way to torture others with weird questions...questions I always love asking and answering myself! I love these types of things because no matter how long you have known someone, you always end up learning something random about them. Anyway, here is what Charlotte asked of me:
Bath wash or bar soap?
Dove bar soap
What did you have for dinner last night?
Chicken kebobs
Do you normally remember your dreams? If so, what do you typically dream about? If not, do you wish you did?
When I was pregnant, I always remembered my dreams. They were usually about having the baby and finding out the sex. Every once in a while I will remember a dream. But it is usually crazy scary. Because of this, I am not a fan of dreams.
What is your most recent obsession - tv show, song, book, food, whatever?
Parking Wars (tv show) and wire baskets...like actual wire baskets, not a band or something like that.
What was one of the quirkiest things you did as a kid?
I crossed my eyes all the time. So much so, that I started getting punished for doing so.
What is one of your bad habits? Are you trying to break it?
I bite my nails, with pride. I stopped years ago, but didn't like wasting time cutting my nails. So back to biting them I went!
What is one of your favorite smells?
Ummm...not poop!
If you could adopt any (child) fictional character, who would you adopt?
Harry Potter!
Tell me one thing you absolutely love about the city you live in.
All the fresh produce. I do live in the middle of farm country and love it because of that.
What is one thing you wish you were better at?
Cleaning my house
If you were a breakfast cereal, which one would you be?
Lucky Charms. It is my favorite.
Drumroll, please.
Now for the 11 bloggers I will torture...
Actually, I feel like my friends never play along in anything like this. So, I will just give an open invitation to anyone that wants to participate, even if you just want to post your answers in the comment section. And, if you do post it on your blog, let me know.
Now for my questions:
1. Do you eat breakfast regularly? If so, what?
2. What was your first car?
3. How many countries have you been to?
4. Do you use a toilet seat cover when using the bathroom in public?
5. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
6. What time do you normally go to bed?
7. Do you take lots of pictures?
8. What was your first job?
9. When was the last time you went to Disneyland? (or Disneyworld)
10. Do you bite your nails?
11. How often do you brush your teeth?
So, did you learn anything new about me?

Feel free to peruse my answers to the questions...nothing exciting, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteWhat is one of your bad habits? Are you trying to break it?
ReplyDeleteI bite my nails, with pride. I stopped years ago, but didn't like wasting time cutting my nails. So back to biting them I went!
yesssss, this is me! why can't I just be okay with biting my nails? why does it have to be such a big deal? sheesh.
I would also be Lucky Charms because I'm magically delicious. ;)
I'll come back another time and answer your quiz because I just love answering quizzes!
You got punished for crossing your eyes!? And wire baskets? Haha.
ReplyDeleteI also LOVE your sarcasm on here. It's always entertaining but it especially cracked me up this time.
I enjoy answering quizzes and seldom do so here ya go!
1. Do you eat breakfast regularly? If so, what?
I definitely do. I'm varying it these days (used to always be egg white omelettes). Now I'll have a feta-wrap from Starbucks or toast or cottage cheese with frozen berries or french toast (like I just posted about)
2. What was your first car?
International Harvester Scout II (bright orange, I might add). Booyah.
3. How many countries have you been to?
Umm... Australia, Palau, England, Canada, Mexico, France, Guam, Japan, so that's technically 8 I guess but I was only in the last two as layovers.
4. Do you use a toilet seat cover when using the bathroom in public?
Nooope, too much hassle and I can't imagine how they actually do anything.
5. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
One. Or a latte/americano, etc.
6. What time do you normally go to bed?
It's a very long process for me... I start heading there around 10:30 and don't actually fall asleep until 12
7. Do you take lots of pictures?
HECK yes.
8. What was your first job?
We-ell, I used to help my dad out with his wedding business in high school and then when I was 18, I was paid under the table for a shady job at a sandwich shop that turned into a sleazy nightclub/venue in the evenings. THEN I got a real proper job as a barista at the Barnes and Nobles Starbucks.
9. When was the last time you went to Disneyland? (or Disneyworld)
When I was 19. So, 7 years ago. I really dislike Disneyland (I had a bad experience).
10. Do you bite your nails?
Until last week, yes.
11. How often do you brush your teeth?
1.5x a day. Sometimes in the morning and always at night.
You had a Scout!?! My friends and I would have totally been jealous of you. And I think this has been brought up before, but I too worked at a B&N Starbucks.
DeleteOk here we go... :-)
ReplyDelete1. Do you eat breakfast regularly? If so, what?
M-F just coffee and a fruit/veggie smoothie. S-S eggs, toast, etc...
2. What was your first car?
powder blue Chevy cavalier....oh yeah! lol
3. How many countries have you been to?
Venezuela, Italy, Greece, Israel, Mexica (lol), St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Puerto Rico, Bahamas
4. Do you use a toilet seat cover when using the bathroom in public?
depends on the condition of the toilet..
5. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
6. What time do you normally go to bed?
anytime between 9:30-11...depending on my day.
7. Do you take lots of pictures?
on my iPhone...
8. What was your first job?
Working for my grandfather at his printshop every Saturday beginning in 5th grade.
9. When was the last time you went to Disneyland? (or Disneyworld)
a few weeks ago...getting ready to go again for fall.
10. Do you bite your nails?
11. How often do you brush your teeth?
1-2 times a day...but always floss and use mouthwash